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Coding classes –
USA (remote)

If you're looking for an effective and engaging programming course for children and teenagers, you're in the right place! Our courses are specially designed to stimulate creativity, develop logical thinking skills, and provide solid foundations in coding. Starting to learn programming at a young age is an investment in your child's future career! Today's world needs programmers, and as experts suggest, this skill will continue to rank highly in future competency rankings.

Try us out! Free cancellation option after the first class.

Learning programming for children and teenagers - our courses

Our programming courses are aimed at both younger children aged 12 and older students preparing for USACO. The classes are designed for any children interested in the IT sector or who already know at a young age how they want to pursue their education and career. What courses will you find in our offer? Here are some of them!

Python for beginners

This course covering the basics of Python programming is designed for teenagers aged 12 to 16. The 'Python for Kids' workshops are conducted for students who are beginning their journey into IT, but have been interested in learning coding for some time. Python is a programming language that allows you to create websites or even your own games in subsequent stages!

C++ for beginners

C++ is one of the most popular languages enabling high-performance computing. It allows, among other things, game programming. Thanks to our trainers, participants of the course will learn the principles of C++ operation and discover practical applications of this language during the first classes. Both lessons for beginners and advanced students are also great fun and an opportunity to learn skills that will be useful in school or work.

USACO Bronze, Silver and Gold

We also have an offer for students who want to prepare for the USACO competition. Our trainers will help you to be promoted to USACO Silver, Gold or Platinum. Get into IOI and your dream college with OlympCode!

Child-focused coding courses.

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